
Andrew Ward, author and founder of The GLS Project

Thanks For Wanting To Get In Touch

 Here are some ways that you can get in touch with me:

  • If you would like to re-post or reprint one of my blog posts, please check out my Acceptable Use Guidelines.
  • If you want to resolve your listening issues more rapidly than is possible by reading my blog posts then click here to find out more.
  • If you're interested in writing a guest article for The GLS Project blog, please pitch it to me. Use the form below. But please don’t send me a full article. I’ll be in contact to let you know whether or not it fits with what I’m trying to achieve with my blog. If it does then we’ll begin discussing details and article guidelines. Specifically, I am looking for guest articles written by experts who want to share their real-world experience of using good listening skills in their field of expertise. I need articles that tailor good listening skills specifically to the needs of leaders, parents, husbands and wives, business people, sales people, medical professionals, other professionals such as engineers, social gatherings, pastors, etc. Note: you will retain full copyright of your article. See 'Terms - Guest Contributions' for your full rights if you contribute.
  • If you have a question, comment or testimonial not addressed above, use the form below. I look forward to hearing from you.

Please note: I'll reply as soon as possible, It is just me running The GLS Project. So I will be in contact within 3 working days. My hours are Monday to Wednesday and Friday, from 10:00am-5:00pm, New Zealand time.

Thanks and Kind Regards


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